Preventative Medicine & Health Screenings for Optimal Care

Our specialty is Paediatrics for the healthcare of babies from birth through to adolescence.

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Professional Staff

Our staff are driven by compassion and integrity and with a desire to deliver quality service.

State of the Art Facilities

Our premises boast modern facilities ensuring your child’s healthcare needs are catered for.

Qualified Doctors

With more than 20 years of experience, our practitioners are expertly trained in providing world-class healthcare.

24/7 Support

The Netcare Akasia Hospital offers a 24-hour Emergency Unit.

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Uncategorised1. Can your child sit upright for the entire ride? 2. Does the shoulder belt cross between the shoulder and neck NOT cutting the neck? 3. Does the lower back sit firmly against the back seat? 4. Does the lap belt lie flat and snug over the upper thighs NOT over the abdomen? 5. Do the knees bend comfortably at the seat edge? Dr Wolmarans: 012 549 8900 / Visit our website for more info: [...]
Uncategorised“Your baby’s first bath is not only one of the earliest milestones but also a moment to treasure. Although bathing a slippery, squirming, and sometimes screaming baby takes some practice, it will get easier with every bath. How Often Should You Bathe Your Newborn? You may be surprised to learn that your newborn doesn’t need that many baths. Three times per week is enough if you thoroughly clean the diaper area at each diaper change. It’s best not to give daily baths because frequently bathing your newborn may dry her skin.” Read the full article: Dr Wolmarans: 012 549 8900 / Visit our website for more info: [...]
UncategorisedTheme for 2024: My health, my right In 1948, countries of the world came together and founded WHO to promote health, keep the world safe and serve the vulnerable – so everyone, everywhere can attain the highest level of health and well-being. Read more:…/world-health-day-2024-my-health… Dr Wolmarans: 012 549 8900 / Visit our website for more info: [...]
Uncategorised* Average body temperature ranges between 36.5 – 37.5°C. * Low-grade fever ranges between 37.5 – 38°C. * Fever is seen as a body temperature of 38.5°C or higher. * Fever is usually a sign that your child’s body is fighting off some sort of infection; however, fever is not something to be afraid of. * Fever means that your child’s immune system is functioning as it should to help fight off viruses and bacteria. Read more: Dr Wolmarans: 012 549 8900 / Visit our website for more info: [...]
UncategorisedPreventative Medicine & Health Screenings for Optimal Care. Our specialty is Paediatrics for the healthcare of babies from birth through to adolescence. Speak to Dr Wolmarans should you have any queries regarding your child’s health Dr Wolmarans: 012 549 8900 / Visit our website for more info: [...]
UncategorisedThe theme for World Tuberculosis Day 2024 continues from 2023: We can end TB!”, which aims to urge leaders from around the world to act to stop the TB epidemic. Basic TB facts: “Tuberculosis (TB) is caused by a bacterium called Mycobacterium tuberculosis. The bacteria usually attack the lungs, but TB bacteria can attack any part of the body such as the kidney, spine, and brain. Not everyone infected with TB bacteria becomes sick. As a result, two TB-related conditions exist: latent TB infection (LTBI) and TB disease. If not treated properly, TB disease can be fatal.” Read more: Dr Wolmarans: 012 549 8900 / Visit our website for more info: . . . #DrGJMWolmarans#health#healthcare#medicalcare#tuberculosis#tb#hiv#tbc#endtb#worldtuberculosisday#health#worldtbday#stoptb [...]
UncategorisedWhy is Human Rights Day a public holiday? Human Rights Day is a national holiday in South Africa that is always celebrated on March 21st. The holiday commemorates the establishment of the South African Human Rights Commission (SAHRC). Dr Wolmarans: 012 549 8900 / Visit our website for more info: . . . #DrGJMWolmarans #HumanRightsDay #Equality [...]
UncategorisedOn World Down Syndrome Day 2024, we call for people around the world to end the stereotypes. “A human rights-based approach views people with disabilities as having the right to be treated fairly and have the same opportunities as everyone else, working With others to improve their lives.” Read more: Dr Wolmarans: 012 549 8900 / Visit our website for more info: . . . #DrGJMWolmarans#WorldDownSyndromeDay#downsyndrome#autism#theluckyfew#downsyndromeawareness#specialneeds#downsyndromelove#sindromededown#inclusion#trisomy#love#nothingdownaboutit#adhd#autismawareness#downsyndromerocks#disability#morealikethandifferent#cerebralpalsy#upsyndrome#trisomia#rocks#downrightperfect#asd#changingthefaceofbeauty#down#downsinmitos#specialeducation#disabilityawareness#downsyndromebaby [...]
UncategorisedAdvancing equitable access to care and optimal medication practice. “World Kidney Day is a global campaign aimed at raising awareness of the importance of our kidneys. World Kidney Day comes back every year. All across the globe many hundred events take place from public screenings in Argentina to Zumba marathons in Malaysia. We do it all to create awareness. Awareness about preventive behaviors, awareness about risk factors, and awareness about how to live with a kidney disease. We do this because we want kidney health for all.” Read more: Dr Wolmarans: 012 549 8900 / Visit our website for more info: . . . #DrGJMWolmarans#kidneydisease#kidney#kidneytransplant#kidneyhealth#kidneyfailure#dialysis#kidneystones#diabetes#kidneywarrior#kidneys#health#kidneystrong#ckd#kidneydonor#kidneydiseaseawareness#chronicillness#cancer#chronickidneydisease#kidneydiet#kidneyawareness#organdonation#kidneycancer#heartdisease#nephrology#kidneyproblems#donatelife#kidneyinfection#transplant#medicinemusic [...]
UncategorisedIncreased frequency – This means that your child begins having bowel movements more than twice as often as usual. Looser consistency – Stools have become more loose, watery, mucous, green or runny than usual. Visit our FAQ page for more info on What causes diarrhoea? and When to be concerned: Contact us to book an appointment to ensure that your Child’s health and development are on track Dr Wolmarans: 012 549 8900 / Visit our website for more info: . . . #DrGJMWolmarans #pediatrician #Healthcare #Wellness [...]
Uncategorised“World Glaucoma Week is a global initiative organized by the World Glaucoma Association. We invite patients, eye care providers, health officials and the public to join forces in organizing awareness activities worldwide. Glaucoma is the leading cause of preventable blindness, and distinct challenges may be present in different regions of the world. Our goal is to alert everyone to have regular eye and optic nerve checks to detect glaucoma as early as possible because there are available treatments for all forms of glaucoma to prevent visual loss.” For more information: Welcome Dr Wolmarans: 012 549 8900 / Visit our website for more info: . . . #DrGJMWolmarans#WorldGlaucomaWeek2024#glaucoma#retina#oftalmologia#vision#ophthalmology#catarata#eyedoctor#eyecare#eye#cataract#ophthalmologist#cornea#eyes#optometrist#miopia#optometry#astigmatismo#a#lasik#eyesurgery#ojos#eyehealth#cataractsurgery#eyesurgeon#oftalmologista#oftalmologo#hipermetropia [...]
Uncategorised* Being very tired or sleepy (also called fatigue) * Cough * Fever (38°C or above), chills or body shakes. (Note: Not everyone who has the flu has a fever.) * Headache, or muscle or body aches * Runny or stuffy nose * Sore throat * Vomiting (throwing up) or diarrhea The flu often comes on quickly. Fever and most other signs and symptoms can last a week or longer. While your baby can’t tell you how they’re feeling, babies who have the flu often are sicker, fussier and seem more uncomfortable and unhappy than babies with a common cold. If you think your baby has the flu even if they got a flu vaccine, contact Dr. Wolmarans: 012 549 8900 / More info: Visit our website for more info: . . . #DrGJMWolmarans#fluvaccine#coughsandcolds#cough#colds#flu#immunesystem#immunebooster#immunesystem#immunesupport#chronicfatigue#chronicpain#coughflutime#coughrelief#coughremedy#coughingday#coughmedicine#coughingcardinal [...]
UncategorisedMarch 3 is recognized annually as World Birth Defects Day. Birth defects affect infants regardless of birthplace, race, or ethnicity. They are a leading cause of death for infants and young children globally. Those who survive and live with these conditions are at increased risk for lifelong disabilities. Speak to Dr Wolmarans should you have any queries Dr Wolmarans: 012 549 8900 / Visit our website for more info: . . . #DrGJMWolmarans #worldbirthdefectsday2024 #WorldHealthOrganization #Paediatrician #HealthCare #Wellness [...]
UncategorisedWorld Hearing Day is held on 3 March each year to raise awareness on how to prevent deafness and hearing loss and promote ear and hearing care across the world. The theme for 2024 is: “Changing mindsets: Let’s make ear and hearing care a reality for all!”. More info: Dr Wolmarans: 012 549 8900 / Visit our website for more info: . . . #DrGJMWolmarans#hearing#worldhearingday2024#hearingloss#hearingaids#audiology#audiologist#hearingaid#hearinghealth#ear#hearingtest#deaf#ears#hearinglossawareness#tinnitus#health#hardofhearing#hearingimpaired#audpeeps#hearinglosswontstopme#earwax#hearingcare#cochlearimplant#cochlear#deafculture#hearingclinic#deafness#hearingprotection#earwaxremoval#sound #signlanguage [...]
Uncategorised*Fresh milk: 4 hours at room temperature *Fridge: 3-5 days *Freezer: Feed to baby within two hours *Thaw: 1 day in the fridge *Defrost: In fridge 12 hours or in warm water *STOP: Do NOT refreeze thawed milk! . . . Speak to Dr. Wolmarans should you have any queries regarding your breastmilk/feeding journey Dr. Wolmarans: 012 549 8900 / Visit our website for more info: #DrGJMWolmarans#momlife#breastmilk#breastmilkstorage [...]
Uncategorised1. Share a snack. 2. Ask about their day. 3. Give them a big hug. 4. Read a story together. 5. Say you love being their parent. 6. Five minutes of undivided attention. . . . Speak to Dr. Wolmarans should you have any queries regarding your child’s health Dr. Wolmarans: 012 549 8900 / Visit our website for more info: . . . #DrGJMWolmarans#health#lifestyle#healthyliving #parenting#parenttips#parentsandchildren#parentallove [...]
UncategorisedThe first tooth normally appears at more or less 6 months of age. It is however not something that is set in stone, and many babies may have no teeth by their first birthday. In some cases, teeth have erupted as early as 3 months of age. Each child develops at his or her own pace, no one is the same. Whenever the teeth start to make their appearance, all 20 primary/milk teeth should be in place by the age of 2 – 3 years. Signs and symptoms: * Irritability * Low-grade fever * Excessive drooling * Intense chewing and biting * Inflamed and swollen gums * Unusual night waking or crying * Looser stools accompanied by a “sour” smell and nappy rash Check out our website for more information on Signs and symptoms of teething: teething [...]
UncategorisedHealthy lifestyles are not just about eating enough vegetables and fruit, it is also a reminder that spending time with loved ones and friends is also an important part of the overall picture. Almost two months after many people made their New Year resolutions to eat healthier and exercise more, February 17th is the marking of Healthy Lifestyle Awareness Day. While it is not just a reminder to live healthier lives, it is also a boost to get those good intentions back on track. Speak to Dr. Wolmarans should you have any queries regarding your child’s health Dr. Wolmarans: 012 549 8900 / Visit our website for more info: . [...]
UncategorisedValentine’s Day is a joyous occasion to celebrate and express love, appreciate our loved ones, and reflect on our numerous blessings. [...]
UncategorisedInternational Epilepsy Day, celebrated each year on the 2nd Monday of February, is an opportunity to raise awareness of epilepsy, what it is, how it can be treated, and what is needed to bring treatment to all people who need it. The day also calls for all people to advocate for appropriate legislation that will guarantee the human rights of people with epilepsy and encourage people with epilepsy to live to their fullest potential. Dr Wolmarans: 012 549 8900 / Visit our website for more info: [...]
UncategorisedDevelopment is gradual and steady: Development does not happen overnight, it’s a gradual process and it’s important to remember that all babies develop at their own pace. Dr Wolmarans: 012 549 8900 / Visit our website for more info: [...]
UncategorisedThe Department of Health uses Pregnancy Awareness Week to strengthen pregnancy education and stress important issues that promote healthy pregnancy and safe motherhood. Pregnant women should start attending antenatal care as soon as they suspect that they are pregnant and certainly within their first trimester. Early antenatal care attendance provides: * The opportunity to exclude and manage existing medical conditions which can be aggravated by the pregnancy, such as hypertension, diabetes, infections, and anemia. * Free HIV testing and voluntary counseling (VCT). early recognition of danger signs in pregnancy and post delivery. * Birth preparedness and complication readiness. * Self-care including nutrition and high standard of hygiene. * Information on the role of the father, the male partner, and the family. For more information: Let’s grow South Africa together Dr Wolmarans: 012 549 8900 / Visit out website for more info: . [...]
UncategorisedThe theme for the World Cancer Day campaign 2024 is . . “Close the Care Gap” . . It is all about uniting our voices and taking action. The last year of this campaign is all about bringing attention to a higher level—literally. We will raise our voices to engage our leaders. Who you are and where you live should not determine if you live. 4 FEBRUARY – WORLD CANCER DAY 2024! [...]
UncategorisedColic is frequent, prolonged, and intense crying or fussiness in a healthy infant. Colic can be particularly frustrating for parents because the baby’s distress occurs for no apparent reason and no amount of consoling seems to bring any relief. Symptoms: Babies have been known to fuss and cry, especially during the first three months of life. The range for what’s considered typical crying is difficult to pin down. In general, colic is defined as crying for three or more hours a day, three or more days a week, for three or more weeks. Causes: The cause of colic is unknown. It may result from numerous contributing factors. While a number of causes have been explored, it’s difficult for researchers to account for all the important features, such as why it usually begins late in the first month of life, how it varies among infants, why it happens at certain times of day and why it resolves on its own in time. Possible contributing factors that have been explored include: *Digestive system that isn’t fully developed *Imbalance of healthy bacteria in the digestive tract *Food allergies or intolerances *Overfeeding, underfeeding or infrequent burping *Early form of childhood migraine *Family stress or anxiety Read more: You are welcome to contact us with your inquiries Dr Wolmarans: 012 549 8900 / Visit our website for more info: [...]
Uncategorised1. Set Boundaries 2. Keep it Fun 3. Give Rewards 4. Give them Privacy 5. Let them Explore [...]
UncategorisedThe first tooth normally appears at more or less 6 months of age. It is however not something that is set in stone, and many babies may have no teeth by their first birthday. In some cases, teeth have erupted as early as 3 months of age. Each child develops at his or her own pace, no one is the same. Whenever the teeth start to make their appearance, all 20 primary/milk teeth should be in place by the age of 2 – 3 years. Signs and symptoms: * Excessive drooling * Intense chewing and biting * Unusual night waking or crying * Irritability * Inflamed and swollen gums * Looser stools accompanied by a “sour” smell and nappy rash * Low-grade fever Check out our website for more information on Signs and symptoms of teething: teething [...]
UncategorisedIt is a perfect opportunity for WHO and partners to raise awareness about cervical cancer and HPV vaccination. On this Cervical Cancer Awareness Month, the messages are clear: * Get informed. Find out the facts about cervical cancer and the human papilloma virus (HPV) that causes it. Help educate other women in your life too. * Get screened. Cervical cancer screening typically starts at age 30 and is repeated periodically. * Get vaccinated. The HPV vaccine is given in 2 doses that should begin when a girl is between 9 and 14 years old. [...]
UncategorisedJanuary is Birth Defects Awareness Month. This is a time to raise awareness about birth defects and highlight efforts to improve the health of people living with these conditions across their lifespan. Read more: Speak to Dr Wolmarans should you have any queries regarding your child’s health Dr Wolmarans: 012 549 8900 / Visit out website for more info: [...]
Uncategorised#WorldBrailleDay About 36 million people around the world are blind. By 2050, the number of people diagnosed with blindness is predicted to rise to 115 million. Those who are blind or who have severe vision impairments face many challenges in life. Some of these challenges include navigating new environments, using a computer, handling cash, and arranging clothes. World Braille Day is annually celebrated on January 4, the birthday of Braille inventor, Louis Braille. The day recognizes the contributions of Louis Braille in helping blind and visually impaired people to read and write. Braille – a code used by the visually impaired worldwide. Read more: Dr Wolmarans: 012 549 8900 / Visit our website for more info: [...]
UncategorisedVisual development includes strengthening the child’s focusing skills, as well as the extraocular muscles that control eye movement. Accurate eye movements allow an infant to use their eyes as a team and track objects as they move through space — skills that are vital for life. Speak to Dr Wolmarans should you have any queries Dr Wolmarans: 012 549 8900 / Visit our website for more info: [...]