Frequently Asked Questions
Do not be fooled by old fashioned customs or beliefs. Rather ensure you have the correct information when making a decision about your child’s health. Herewith the answers to frequently asked questions:
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When does teething start?
The first tooth normally appears at more or less 6 months of age. It is however not something that is set in stone, and many babies may have no teeth by their first birthday. In some cases, teeth have erupted as early as 3 months of age. Each child develops at his or her own pace, no one is the same. Whenever the teeth start to make their appearance, all 20 primary/milk teeth should be in place by the age of 2 – 3 years.
What is Fever?
Average body temperature ranges between 36.5 – 37.5°C. Low-grade fever ranges between 37.5 – 38°C. Fever is seen as a body temperature of 38.5°C or higher. Fever is usually a sign that your child’s body is fighting off some sort of infection; however fever is not something to be afraid of. Fever means that your child’s immune system is functioning as it should to help fight off viruses and bacteria.
This is a relatively broad topic. Generally, most colds and other viral infections start the same. It may remain a mild infection which subsides within a week or two, or it may worsen to a more serious infection. Mostly, coughs and colds are caused by viral infections.
Colic is defined by excessive periods of inconsolable crying for more than 3 hours per day, more than 3 days per week, and continuing for a period of more than 3 weeks. This normally occurs within the first 3 weeks of life and can continue up to 3 – 4 months of age. Colicky babies cry inconsolably, crying louder and more intense than “normal”. They will ball their fists and pull up their legs during their crying spell.
What is Constipation?
Constipation can be classified as infrequent, hard bowel movements that are difficult to pass. Passing stools may be straining and even painful. Bleeding may occur. Abdominal pain is noted more often than not, and swelling of the abdomen may occur. Children may take a long time to pass a stool, pass either large quantities of stool at once or small pellets or clumps of pellets if they are constipated. There may be leakage or watery stools. Small stool marks may be noted in the child’s underwear. In more severe cases, your child may present with fever and vomiting.
Diaper rash (nappy rash) is something that every parent will be faced with at some point during their child’s diaper wearing years. This is more prevalent during the first year of life.
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