Colic is defined by excessive periods of inconsolable crying for more than 3 hours per day, more than 3 days per week, and continuing for a period of more than 3 weeks.  This normally occurs within the first 3 weeks of life and can continue up to 3 – 4 months of age.  Colicky babies cry inconsolably, crying louder and more intense than “normal”.  They will ball their fists and pull up their legs during their crying spell.

The term colic is a description, not a diagnosis.  There may or may not be a cause that your paediatrician will be able to pinpoint for your baby being colicky.  Most of the time, your baby will appear perfectly healthy, even though he/she is colicky.  There are many opinions as to what exactly causes a colicky baby, which includes reflux, milk/formula intolerance, and swallowing of excess air.

What to do:

  1. Keep a “colic diary”: This should be done for 2 main reasons.  The first is that should there be an underlying medical condition, your diary could help your paediatrician in making the diagnosis.  The second is that you can, by means of trial and error, try to pinpoint what worsens the colicky episodes and what not.
  2. Make a video recording of a colicky episode.
  3. Schedule an appointment with your paediatrician.
  4. “Baby-wearing” may help to soothe and calm baby.
  5. You yourself need to try remaining calm in the event of the baby having an episode.
  6. Improve burping method, try different techniques and burp after each and every feed.
  7. Make use of a gas reducing medication such as Telament drops. Avoid making use of Buscopan.

Please note there is no confirmed cause or cure for colic